Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog 12

My final will explore the progression of storytelling. I am trying to showcase not only the development of how stories have been told throughout history but the remnants of how these stories have been told still exists. I really thought the pictographic part of this course was interesting and how I found, to a certain degree, pictographic language being used today. I want to explore the idea that even through it seems that everything is going digital there will always be remnants of the past. The overall development of how people tell stories and how some ways are more important to some individuals more so than others.

Bayer, Mary. "Saying Goodbye through Graffitti." The American Journal of Nursing 2nd ser. 80 (1980): 271. Print.

This article is an example of how symbols and pictures represent an abstract concept in our culture. As graffiti is used to say goodbye within this woman's life. I believe this can be used to showcase the development of storytelling within our culture and be compared to other culture in the past that used pictographs as their main language in regards to script.

Luskey-Barth, Amy. "The Power of Oral History Storytelling." Momentum 39 (2008): 39-41. Print.

As This article explores the importance of Oral storytelling I believe this could help put energy in my final paper. Showcasing how important and alive storytelling is and the impact, possibly, that written work has had on our culture. How some cultures still use oral storytelling heavily today.

Nathan, Stucky. "Performing Oral History: Storytelling and Pedagogy." Communication Education 44 (1995): 1-14. Print.

This article explores the potential of oral history. As my paper tries to showcase the progression of storytelling and what has and has not survived I find this article to be helpful. The different forms of telling a story and communicating--the interviews in this article I find to be helpful to showcase different opinion of others in recent times.

Xiaolei, Jing. "Readers Going Digital." Beijing Review 52.47 (1995): 44. Print.

As I am showing the progression of storytelling utimately I going to the concept stories are the same but the way they are told is different. With the Internet and information being transformed into a digital form I believe this article can help support my paper. Showing how books are going digital and the people who read them are turning to new technologies to read--or obtain stories.

Young, Jeffrey R. "In Case Google Bails Out on Its Library Project, Universities Creat a Backup." Chronicles of Higher Education 55.9 (2008): 9+. Print.

This is an interesting article how the biggest library ever is being created on the Internet. This is just another example of how items are going digital. Now even a place can be found digitally--libraries. This will help support my argument that and showcase different ways we gain information.

1 comment:

  1. This is not enough for me to comment on in any useful way; as written this is extremely broad and sounds like a summary of one or more texts we've already discussed. I would recommend looking at the examples listed in this wrap-up post.
