Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blog #10 Proposal

I really am interested in the progression of how stories over the year have been told. Looking at the beginning of the year and oral traditions and how it then advanced to becoming novels with the printing press. Now oral traditions and stories are said to be “lost” and I was wondering since the digital age will it progress to stories not being valid if it isn’t digital. Why would and why would it not be? How does the digital age affect how we see stories and if we can trust them more that they are the Internet or less.

1 comment:

  1. Putting together information in the blog assignment text with the final project assignment sheet, the first crack at the proposal should have: indicated if you plan to do a detailed research-based report on a known topic (if you're not making an original argument, it pretty much has to be the greatest research paper known to mankind) or an original argument supported by strong evidence. Then, you were to explain your idea/path toward an argument, and how you would go about doing the work. All of that, plus the indication of why you want to pursue this topic, should be clearly related to the concepts and questions raised in the course to date.

    I see brief snippets here of those things -- because this is a very short response with little depth to it, I can't really comment in any meaningful way (it's essentially a few vague sentences and a couple sentence fragments). The general topic of "storytelling" would be something fine to pursue in order to determine an argument.

    Note that while blog assignment #12 is due by Thursday, 12/02, 5:00pm, that does NOT mean you can't do it earlier. In fact, in order to get the best comments that would help you do the best work, the earlier you do this, the better (since the paper is due via e-mail by Friday, December 17th at 9pm). Assignment #12, the longer proprosal, should be the short proposal fleshed out, plus a tentative works cited list (with annotations, as described on the assignment sheet).
